Never doubt that a small group of committed citizens can change the world: Indeed it's the only thing that ever has.

Copper Queen Community Hospital Foundation, CQCHF, a non-profit 501(c)(3), began supporting the Copper Queen Community Hospital and its staff in 2019. Bisbee's first medical clinic established in the 1880's - which historians say marked the beginning of CQCH - was housed in a cave adjoining the Copper Queen Mine. Today the hospital has 140-year heritage of caring for the health needs of its community. The 14-bed small acute care hospital offers a broad range of inpatient and outpatient services, including acute care, outpatient surgery, 24-hours emergency services and five clinics localized throughout southern Cochise County.
CQCHF goal is to raise funds for the purchase of two new GE Maxima ES 64-Slice CT scanner machines with cardiac packet for the Bisbee and Douglas campus. These vital diagnostic tools gather detailed internal images of the body that are crucial when treating acute abdominal pain, trauma, suspected stroke, blood clots, respiratory concerns, cancer and many other conditions affecting patients in crisis. 10,000 CQCH patients relied on our CT scanners for life-saving treatment in 2023.
The cost of two CT scanners is $1,300,000
What is a CT scanner?
A CT, or computerized tomography, takes cross-sectional x-rays of the body to provide a more detailed view. It is a complex way of looking at tissues, structures and organs that defines details more significantly than a standard x-ray, especially in soft tissue. A chemical compound called contrast may be used to allow physicians to see how blood flows through the circulatory system and into organs. Contrast during a CT scan can aid in the identification of inflammation, trauma, tumors and other disease processes.
Why is a CT an important part of patient care?
A CT scanner is one of the most critical pieces of equipment at CQCH and is used daily to diagnose and monitor acute and chronic injuries and illnesses. CT is essential in the care of patients with emergent or traumatic injuries. It is frequently used with patients needing care for various oncology, cardiology, urology and surgical concerns.
Donations and gifts are accepted in many
convenient forms including:
Cash • Check • Credit Card
Annuities • Endowments • Stocks & Bonds
Please mail checks to:
CQCH Foundation, 101 Cole Ave. Bisbee, AZ 85603
Donations accepted through PayPal at PayPal.Me/CQCHFoundation
Thank you for investing in Copper Queen Community Hospital’s future with your donation. Your gift will have a lasting impact on the lives of patients and families served in communities throughout southern Cochise County.
An email will be sent to your valid email address and an acknowledgement/tax receipt to the mailing address provided. The Copper Queen Community Hospital Foundation does not sell, trade, rent or share personal information with third parties.